“I would like to take this opportunity to express my utmost satisfaction with your drug and alcohol testing services. The Altoona Water Authority has been a client of Lytle Drug Testing Services for more than 20 years.
You provide the utmost in service no matter the time or day. Because of your availability, knowledge and professionalism, I am never far away from an answer for myself or an employee, a request for information or “kits”, or personal appearance support during union or state hearings.
Lytle Drug Testing Services has always been responsive to the needs of the Authority. In addition to the Authority’s DOT drug and alcohol testing program, you recently helped me initiate and implement a non-DOT drug and alcohol testing program for all AWA employees. You provided support throughout the process, from paper, to training supervisors and employees, to implementation.
Your advice and direction, when dealing with positive drug/alcohol results, is always immediate, complete, concise and spot on. It is a pleasure to give Lytle Drug Testing Services my unequivocal recommendation.”
Natalie M. Adams, PHRDirector, Human Resources
Altoona Water Authority
Dan DillenDirector of Risk Management
Altoona, PA
Steve KasunVice President & Controller
Burgmeier Hauling Inc.
Dennis M. Stidinger, P.E.President
The EADS Group, Inc.